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My Articles

Trish Bentley
6 min read
A Wonderful Time
But today, I had to punch pillows upstairs as I grunted behind clenched teeth. It was right before I locked myself in the bathroom while my

Trish Bentley
12 min read
As a white person, how can you be a stronger ally?
2020 and the events that have transpired will be etched into the crevices of history. We have spent the last few months homeschooling...

Trish Bentley
3 min read
Empowering Young People To Express Themselves Through Prose
This past year I ran a workshop in two grade eight classes, entitled: Writing The Personal Narrative: A Turning Points Essay. The...

Trish Bentley
1 min read
Trish Bentley Is The Unapologetic Parent on The Huffington Post
Trish Bentley, editor of The Purple Fig, contributor for The Huffington Post, has a new column, Unapologetic Parent: Informative and...

Trish Bentley
3 min read
Believe What People Tell You
New Year’s resolution posts are a standard issue right now. Tiz the season to want to become healthier, smarter, more productive and...

Trish Bentley
4 min read
Modern Mothers Aren’t Drinking Anymore Than Generations Before Us So Why Are We Judged Like It
Today, there are many books, memes and blog posts dedicated to this idea that wine (or any other alcoholic beverage for that matter) is...

Trish Bentley
3 min read
Why I Will Probably Never Look Like Kayla Itsines
As I scroll through Kayla Itsine’s Instagram feed, I am astonished by the number of women completely transforming their bodies. And I...

Trish Bentley
2 min read
We Are All Ordinary People In Extraordinary Times
For the first time since forever, the sun is shining and warm on our faces. There’s a lull in hostilities and my girls are playing well...

Trish Bentley
2 min read
Write Because You Love It.
When I was in school I endured many writing workshops (public mental beatings) where I had to showcase my work and listen to what each of...

Trish Bentley
2 min read
May is Melanoma Awareness Month: #newfamilyrule Putting Sunscreen On Our Kids
One bad sunburn before the age of 18 doubles your chances of getting melanoma – the most serious and often fatal form of skin cancer....

Trish Bentley
3 min read
I Will Try Not To Nag My Husband…For the Umpteenth Thousandth Time
It happens. You flip the switch and there’s a sudden bright flash of light, and then darkness. It’s your cue to change the light bulb. My...

Trish Bentley
3 min read
International Women’s Day: What It Means To Me To Be A Women
Recently, as we sat around the dinner table and looked back on our day, my three year old son told us about how upset he had been. “What...

Trish Bentley
6 min read
Losing It Less and Choosing Happiness More
One day, after the fourteenth emotional breakdown from one of my two young boys, I found myself preaching the idea of happiness being a...

Trish Bentley
2 min read
TPF Must Read: Celebrating Amanda Lindhout’s Courage and Spirit
Recently, while reading A House In The Sky by Amanda Lindhout, I found myself so totally and completely captivated by her prose that I...

Trish Bentley
5 min read
Cutting Grains Is Not Just About Your Waistline: My Chat With Health Crusader Dr. William Davis
So the holidays are well and gone but the lasting impression of food and drink on our bellies is not. You may be a ‘January joiner’ busy...

Trish Bentley
4 min read
How Being Thrown in the Deep End Changed Cynthia Loyst’s Life
It’s hard to believe anyone as beautiful, confident and ambitious as Cynthia Loyst, co-host of the popular TV show The Social (alongside...

Trish Bentley
3 min read
Why I Nursed My Baby With Both Breast Milk and Formula
Everyone knows things do not always go according to plan. As strong women, we come up with several plans in case the first one or two do...

Trish Bentley
3 min read
Mothers Against Judgement: Don’t Feel Bad If You Don’t Breastfeed
There is something that comes along with becoming a mother that is much less obvious than the lack of sleep, post-baby muffin top, and...

Trish Bentley
4 min read
Finding a Balance Between 70s Parenting and Modern Meddling
If you are a parent, you know the complete powerlessness within parenthood that exists between peeing on a stick and the day you die....

Trish Bentley
3 min read
Are You Afraid of Elevators, Pickles, Chicken?
Fear is an emotion induced by a threat perceived by living entities, which causes a change in brain and organ function and ultimately a...
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